Our Attractions
Offering 2 thrilling attractions for our inaugural season! The growth continues with each horrifying season!
A hospital for the insane, deranged and victims of genetic mutations performed by Dr. Anthony Griffin. This attraction features crawlspaces, cages, and various rooms, tunnels/hallways leading to the estate/woods where even more things that go bump in the night reside. The price you pay for trespassing onto this asylum may just be the ultimate sacrifice…..your soul.
**This attraction features STROBE LIGHTS, CRAWL SPACES, FOG MACHINES, SCENTS. You will be expected to crawl through a certain space**
Who doesn’t love a good sideshow/clown cavalcade? Make your way through the maze of Carnival terrors where the clowns aren’t the only thing trying to get to you. Between the pounding rhythm of the soundtrack set specifically for this attraction, every noise you hear is a distraction from what lurks in the rooms ahead of you, the unsuspecting wanderer.